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AHCF relies entirely on volunteers

There are so many ways to make a difference in the lives of those with AHC by volunteering with the AHC Foundation. Your talents and passions can be used in a variety of ways to further our mission to spread awareness and provide families with support while raising funds for research to end AHC.

Join a Team

The crux of our mission to fund research and support those living with AHC is only possible because of generous volunteers. Dedicated people give their time and expertise to the AHCF through teams.

The Gift of Your Time is Priceless

Donating your time and energy can be just as rewarding for you as for those you help.

Explore Our Calendar

Learn about upcoming events, ways to connect, and how to get involved by visiting our calendar.

“… I have learned to advocate, access expert advice, and have gained lifelong friends. … My daughter’s quality of life has been improved because of our family’s involvement in the Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Foundation.”

Chris Vona (Kathleen, daughter)

Would you consider being an AHCF Board Member? Get in Touch With Us!