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Custom wheelchair accessible conversions with your vehicle and new/used inventory

Wheelchair accessible vehicles- new, used, and for sale by owner.

Wheelchair accessible vehicles and mobility/transfer seating.

Wheelchair accessible vehicles- preowned or a specific conversion.

Considerations in purchasing an accessible wheelchair vehicle/van.

The AHC Foundation has published an Emergency Room Protocol. This document intends to educate doctors unfamiliar with AHC and your child’s specific medical needs.
Especially in this time of COVID-19 viral infections where your child may need to be admitted for treatment, this document will accompany your child and be passed off to caregivers for their reference.

Vetted by our Medical Advisory Board, this will serve as a diverse and valuable tool for the ER, the school nurse, and other needs.

The AHC community is partnering with RARE-X, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, to build a Data Collection Program for AHC families. Participating in the AHC Data Collection Program will help accelerate research and the development of new drugs, devices, and other therapies.

The AHC Community is building the AHC Data Collection Program to …

Inform researchers how AHC changes over time
Enable better data to use in clinical trials
Give patients the opportunity to participate in clinical trials
Reduce the time it takes to study new medicines
Speed up the time to get treatments to patients
Enable the use of data as a placebo (instead of actual patients) in a clinical trial

The AHC Data Collection Program will be patient-owned but enabled by RARE-X technology. All data governance, consent support, and data security will be put in place by RARE-X. AHC families will benefit from a streamlined process for collecting research-ready data in a phased approach.

This will become the “hub” to which all other databases can connect, streamlining the research process.

You can use this letter template to create an accompaniment letter for your child’s AHC medication

Your physician can use this letter template to create an accompaniment letter for your child’s AHC medication

Drug information insert with the medication Sibelium. Sibelium is the generic pharmaceutical name for Flunarizine.